Friday 29 April 2016


God desires that we grow spiritually and the agent of this growth is His word. (Proverbs 4:18,1Peter 2:2). He is concerned when we don’t grow.
However, we live in times when our parameters for measuring spiritual growth as Christians are to a large extent distorted. Often times, we judge progress on our spiritual journey based on the physical; material acquisitions, worldly acclaim and fame, financial prosperity, sizes of congregations, programs and activities etc. Nothing can be more confusing. Good as these may be, they are not always a true sign of spiritual growth and progress.
Paul the Apostle encountered Jesus Christ in a very spectacular way on the road to Damascus and he hit the ground running leaving no one in doubt as to his zeal and commitment to the divine assignment. He trod where others feared to peep.

At a prayer meeting in Acts 13:1-4, as Saul and others ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, “Separate unto me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them”. Thereafter, hands were laid on them and they were sent forth (by the Holy Ghost)
We need many more prayer meetings like this in our day; meetings where we minister to the Lord and like young Samuel, say “… speak, Lord, for your servant(s) is/are listening” (1Samuel 3:10-12), we truly hear, understand and do what He tells us to do. The divine instruction here was a specific call for Barnabas and Saul to the work unto which God had called them. This incident and a few others like (Jeremiah 1:5) “…and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations” compel me to ask, if there is a specific call for every believer?If the men at this prayer meeting were not sensitive enough to hear God, perhaps, Barnabas and Saul would have remained as ‘general Christians’ whose spiritual experiences would have to do with how they encountered Jesus, and stories about God’s dealings with others.
Summarily, God calls at different levels and desires that we grow spiritually for there is no greater joy than for us to walk in the truth (which is His word) and fullness of His will like Barnabas and Saul did (3John 4).
It is time to seek Him wholeheartedly, incline our ears to hear Him for He just might have something for us to do.
True spiritual progress is to walk in the fullness of His will for our lives.
May we run the race He has set before us not another man’s.PEACE!

1 comment:

  1. yea,i agree that Spiritual success is not the same as material acquisition.More grace sir.
