Thursday 21 April 2016


Think about this scripture.'Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being' - Genesis 2.7 (NKJV)
Friend, you are a living being by reason of the breath of God in your life and by reason of the grace of Christ and the presence of the Holy Ghost in you,you are now more than a living being,you have become both a living being as well as a life giver,you have become the light that shines in the dark,you have become the salt that gives sweetness to the earth.Friend, think of yourself in this manner.Never think of yourself less.Never allow the devil to discount your worth on earth.Never allow him to discount the power within you.Allow God to use you in spreading his light around.
PRAYERS: Our holy God,let your power of protection rest on us as we close our eyes to sleep tonight.We are peaceful within because you are the king of peace.We are not afraid of the terrors of the night, because you are in charge of our lives.We are not afraid of darkness and the works of darkness because we have overcome the wicked ones by the death of your son.Father, this is the confidence and faith that we have in you.Thank you father,we worship your most holy name in Jesus name we pray amen.