Friday, 22 April 2016


The drawing of Jacob at Bethel.
In Genesis chapter 28,we have the story of Abraham as he proclaimed blessings upon Jacob.In verses 10-19,we have the confirmation of those blessings by the almighty God himself.In our day,just the same way God spoke through Jacob,He still speaks through his Prophets,Apostles,Pastors,Evangelists and Teachers (Ephesians 4.11) Friend, i know that God must have spoken to you in recent times one way or the other whether in the church,your prayer closet or through someone.I like to assure you that just as God appeared to Jacob to confirm the word of blessings spoken by Isaac his father,so also will God appear to you in a short while to confirm the words spoken by your fathers in the Lord.Signs and wonders must follow the proclamation of God's word just as Jacob experienced at Bethel.Jacob dreamed and he saw angels ascending and descending a ladder that connects heaven and earth and he heard God's voice assuring him of his presence in his life's journey.That was the sign! and so dear friend,expect great signs and wonders in your life this season and this must be followed by the actual manifestation of HIS blessings upon your life.Though Jacob used stones as pillow in that place where God met him,that act may signify tough experience or distress situation.How was he able to sleep on stones used as pillow! I wonder if he really slept.It was indeed a tough experience for the man,yet God intervened in his life and changed his tough experience into a heaven- touch experience.Dear friend, i assure you that this season,if you are in any distress situation,the proclamation of God's word upon your life shall prevail and reign over that situation.Just be encouraged and believe.God bless you in Jesus name amen.

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