Saturday 7 May 2016


Friend,I am bringing this testimony to you from Kenneth Hagins who suffered a deformed heart as a teenager and an incurable blood disease.But through holding on to the word of God,he got his total healing and then lived for the next 65 years.I do not know what you are going through at the moment,but I know that the same God who responded to the man's faith in HIS word will also respond to yours as well.Yours may not be a state of sickness or disease, but to any situation we may be faced with in life,if we search the scriptures thoroughly,we will find at least a verse to hold on to.Allow the verse or verses to form part of your thoughts,quote it as often as you can,take the scriptures to God in prayers,I tell you dear friend,God must respond to your faith and you will have a great testimony. Read  a short part of the testimony below.

 I received healing of a deformed heart and an incurable blood disease while on my deathbed because I believed these words in Mark 11:24 which were spoken from the lips of Jesus: “…What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them"!
I received the revelation of that scripture in August 1934. I was bedfast and paralyzed because of an incurable heart condition and was so helpless I couldn't even bathe myself. Also, my mother had to prop up my Bible on the bed in front of me so I could read it because I was so weak I couldn't hold my Bible by myself.
One particular night as I lay dying, in fact, I was right at the point of death, I quoted Mark 11:24 all night long. I never slept a wink; I just quoted that verse of Scripture over and over again, probably more than a thousand times. I still didn't know exactly what it mean't but at that time, Mark 11:24 was the only glimmer of hope I had. So I just held on to it, sort of like a drowning man would hold on to a lifesaver.
I said to the Lord, “Lord, You said when You were here on the earth, “…What things soever ye desire…” and I desire a well body.” (Desiring a well body is in line with God's word because there are many scriptures in the Bible that prove it is God's will that we walk in health.)

1 comment:

  1. May God bring total healing into our spirit,soul and body in Jesus name amen
