Saturday 21 May 2016


It's always a thing of joy when I see people coming into the knowledge of the grace message. Now, there's a way to receive the grace message. There is a way. Salvation is free gift, spiritual growth is not. Growth involves commitment, diligence, herculean labour. Exhortations like, pray without ceasing, meditate, desire the sincere milk, endure hardships, be strong in the Lord, put on the whole armour of God, be strong in the grace that is in Christ, all don't suggest passive, lazy, complacent living.
I've met believers who are only excited at the message. Be excited but commit with that excitement. You burn the midnight oil, you listen to tapes, read books, attend meetings, become accountable, get trained. Get out of your comfort zone. Toss aside the convenience that militates against prayer, praise, meditation. You will never grow if you don't commit to the things that make for growth. Spiritual discipline is not legalism. We don't commit to be saved. We commit because we are saved. We don't commit to get grace, we commit to take advantage of what we've received by grace.
Every exhortation on spiritual growth puts the decision on you, not God. 1 Peter 2:2 says to desire. Acts 20:32 commends you to the word of His grace which builds up. 2 Peter 3:18 says you should grow in grace. 1 Peter 5:8 says you should be sober and vigilant. 1 Cor.15:58 says you should be steadfast and immovable. James 4:7 says you should submit to God and resist the devil. All speaks to you, to us!
If it was God's choice, we all will grow!
But it's our choice, that's why some don't grow.
If you've received the grace message and your life is void of commitment to meditation, prayer, hearing the word etc, you may end up being a 'disgrace' to the grace message (of course in the sight of men). As some are already. Be different.
P.S. And if you're a believer who hates messages on commitment, you will never grow.

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