Sunday 22 May 2016


Mr. Chidi Ezekwe
Great piece.Read it prayerfully.God bless you.
2 Samuel 7:27. ''For thou, O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, hast revealed to thy servant, saying, I will build thee an house: therefore hath thy servant found in his heart to pray this prayer unto thee.''
This was David coming to God after God directed Nathan to tell him that his household would be established forever by God because David conceived in his heart to build a house for the Ark of Covenant (the presence of God). David was meek and spiritually alive enough to understand that he could not have had such a "good" intention conceived within him but by the grace and power of Gods revelation to him and so did the right thing in acknowledging God for his (David) well conceived prayer to God to build a house for the Ark.
How often have we had a good idea planted in our hearts by God and then gone ahead after execution to assume the airs that say, "I did this or that because I am a noble and good man and know how to do good deeds"? When we understand that there is none good but the Father and that any good that comes into and out of us is a revelation to us from God for his good purpose by grace, we will more likely depart from our proud assumptions about ourselves and learn true humility that comes from understanding that any good that comes into and out of our lives is by the special favor and grace of God.
Believe me, in that state of being, we will see the blessings and mercies of God flow more abundantly in our lives and we will be more sensitive and compassionate to others who have yet to experience such levels of grace and favor (because we then know that we have experienced it not because we earned it but but by grace.....sort of like a person born into a wealthy family when he/she actually wasn't in any position to determine that or vice Versa).
Have a restful and peaceful Sunday folks!

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