Saturday 28 May 2016


Anne Graham Lotz believes that God is keeping her 97-year-old father alive and kicking for a reason. This reason, she says, may be connected to the coming end of this age.

Lotz, founder of AnGel Ministries, author of "The Daniel Prayer: Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nation," and chairwoman of the National Day of Prayer, addressed the conference crowd of "Watchmen on the Wall" during the Family Research Council 2016 held on May 26.
This is also where she talked about the health of his famous father and founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Billy Graham.
Lotz told the crowd that Graham is largely confined to his bed and wheelchair but that he remains affectionate and loving. She also said that his father's mind is still clear, although it takes him awhile now to process things. She added that his father's appetite and vital signs are still good, drawing to the conclusion
that God is keeping Graham alive for a reason.
"God is not whimsical and he does everything intentionally. The fact that my father is still here, God is holding him for a reason," Lotz told The Christian Post in an interview.
She believes her father is very unique and that his ministry work is unequalled. She said, "The fact that he is still on this planet at 97 years of age, that is not an accident."
"One of the things that I thought possibly — only God would know — when my father goes to Heaven, one more time, the Gospel will be preached to the whole world," Lotz shared.
Lotz has been known to preach extensively about End-Times Prophecy and how God is abandoning America because of its "immorality and all the things we are doing." That includes teaching about evolution in American schools.
She called on people to repent so that God would protect and favor America again. She said when her father dies, every news outlet won't be able to talk about Billy Graham without talking about the Gospel.
"So, maybe God is holding him for that particular moment in time, in timing for things that will happen at the very end of this age," Lotz stated. 

1 comment:

  1. I do not know what Billy Graham's daughter is saying because she seems vague in her statements, the fact the Billy is still alive is simply he is still alive, I have trouble with her dad's passing as a sign that Jesus will then come, NO ONE knows WHEN Jesus WiLL come, I have NO DOUBT that Jesus WILL come, but to make the comparison that WHEN her dad dies, Jesus will come shortly after his death, I just don't understand. To me, her dad's still being alive I think is God's way of giving her and the family more time to be with him, that's it. George Beverly Shea died when he was a lot older that this, some people live to be 110 yrs old, so I am puzzled that she stands as a spokes person for God and Jesus. I don't believe Anne can literally speak for God/Jesus, I would be caution to put that kind of trust in any human being. When God did NOT tell even His OWN Son Jesus when Jesus would return, the Bible states we should NOT add OUR understanding where NONE was given. So NOW I am puzzled about this. Franklin Graham WILL MOST LIKELY carry on preaching for his dad. I heard Ravi say, and Chuck Swindoll say, when a preacher passes on Jesus's work continues through the next servant. When Anne says, her dads ministry work is unequalled, THAT CAUTIONS me, because God said NO ONE'S WORKS WILL GET THEM IN HEAVEN LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST. and in all due respect it seems as tho Anne is boasting about how much good works her dad had done, Yes, he was a great leader, as Moses, but even Moses's work continued in the next leader. So for Anne to speak of her dad as UnEqual, ONLY JESUS can claim on earth is not His equal. So Billy was an instrument but NOT certainly NOT unique vs other leaders. For Anne to claim her dad's ministry work is unequalled is, well, boasting that NO one else can claim his special walk with the LORD and that is just not true. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL! NO ONE IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER. Anne, I love your dad very much and when he passes well, that will be a day to be sad for his loss and many will be sad for his loss, BUT Jesus is the FOCUS and there a MANY good leaders preaching and they are EQUAL to your dad. Franklin is one of them equal to your dad, and Will also. I am glad Anne that you are a strong faith women, but be certain, your dad is a sinner as ALL are, the only PERFECT ONE IS JESUS and NO ONE IS JESUS'S EQUAL NO ONE. MANY of us have lost a loved one and wishes we still had them with, my mom included, Alzheimers took my mom, so having your dad still with you, is simple Jesus allowing you to have MORE time with you dad, as with George Beverly Shea, who outlived your dad and then passed, that is all it is, more time with you dad or as much time as you have had with him. That is all, Franklin will carry out the ministry when you dad is gone. I love your, Jesus used your dad to bring me to Jesus when he had his office in Minneapolis Mn, during one is Crusades and I am grateful for the opportunity to have made the altar call. He and others have kept me grounded for many years.
