Saturday 28 May 2016


I read a post on Nairaland and which to comment on it here.It goes thus:I used to be one of the people that never believed in prophecy,especially when I watch them on Television.I always think that it was all hyped just like my father always think, but I finally met one the made me almost changed my mind about fake prophets.I accompanied a friend of mine to see one popular prophet in Calabar,Eastern part of Nigeria.His name is prophet val (also known as my father my father) .My main purpose was to prove to the guy that invited me that this people call prophets are fraudsters but I ended up thinking otherwise,this young prophet finished me with prophecies, he started by calling my name and then and proceeded by calling my phone number,he told me when I was born (including date) He told me everything about my past so accurately,he told me what am planning to do this year which I never told anybody,It was that one that really shocked me, my question here is, is it really .God that reveal those things to him or juju?
Read my response after the cut

Inasmuch as I know that the secret things belong to the Lord and that He also can reveal them to those who are close to Him ,even to his prophets.Yet I know that God does not do things when they are not necessary.If God reveals your phone number to his prophet in your presence,why wont you ask yourself why would God do that.To what purpose?If your 'past' is revealed to you by God through an acclaimed prophet,what would God want to achieve with that? The truth is;many of the so called prophets only use these tricks to mesmerize their victims,to make them believe in their prophesies and then take advantage of them When Jesus met the woman of Samaria by the well(John 4), yes He told her of her 'past' and that made the woman believed Christ in totality,but did Jesus ever asked her for money to do some prayers and fasting  for her? No,therefore any prophet who displays some prophetic gifts but ties it to making money out of you can be said not to be speaking for Christ, for Christ never did that.Aside the gift of the spirit that any acclaimed man or woman of God can show,the most important aspect to be considered by you is the fruits of the spirit in his/her life.The bible says that we shall know them by their fruits(Matthew 7.16)  It is not by their outward show of gifts that they should be believed ! .Let us be watchful,careful,prayerful and stay close to the word of God,for by so doing, it will be very difficult for us to fall victim of false teachers and prophets.God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! You said it all Evangelist, Satan comes as an angel of light to deceive the people or us. We need to be watchful and pray for the spirit of discerning. Thank you and God Almighty blesses us all.
