Tuesday 10 May 2016


The missions hospital where Donn Ketcham served in Bangladesh.
Many times I wonder what people who know that they are still having problem with the sin of the flesh look for in God's work.People can still make money in the world, if that is what they crave without working as God's servant.They can still become famous in the world if that is what they crave.But coming to the kingdom of God,seeking relevance,fame and money when God had not equipped you and dealt with the flesh for the work of the ministry is totally wrong.Many bring religion of Christianity to disrepute with their personal ambition and lack of self control.We learn that for years, allegations have swirled about medical missionary Donn Ketcham’s inappropriate sexual behavior.
A surgeon serving in Bangladesh with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) from 1961 to 1989, Ketcham was accused of both affairs with fellow female missionaries and the sexual abuse of 4 women and 18 girls, many times under the guise of medical care.
Those allegations were true, ABWE confirmed today in a 280-page report by Professional Investigators International (Pii), which conducted more than 200 interviews and sifted through 1,400 pages of material during its three-year investigation. (Ketcham and his family refused to speak to Pii investigators.
Remember to pray for him.
Credit:Christianity today

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