Saturday 14 May 2016


Whether it is miraculous or not,I think we should not allow statue of the blessed virgin Mary  to distract our attention from the Lord Jesus Christ, his teachings and second coming.
The statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Fresno that allegedly produces tears. Photo courtesy of Joe Ybarra.  
It is reported on the website of Catholic News Agency thus;
A statue of the Virgin Mary in Fresno, Calif. appears to be weeping miraculous tears, according to witnesses.
The family that owns the statue says the tears have been coming and going for about the past year and a half.
According to witnesses, the tears appear to well up in Mary’s right eye and stream down her face. Maria Cardenas, owner of the statue, placed a glass under the statue's chin to collect the apparently miraculous tears and share them with people who come to see it.he statue was a Mother’s Day gift to Cardenas 10 years ago, she told local news station ABC30 Action News. However, it didn’t start weeping until after the murder of her cousin. Although the family is not publicly announcing where they live, they have invited many people into their home to see the weeping statue for themselves. The news crew stayed to see the statue weep, and reported that the tears were oily, smelled like roses, and were welling up continuously.
The caretaker also said that several priests have come to observe the statue and have said that it appears miraculous.
“The Catholic Church is very cautious with these matters and employs science where possible to ferret out hoaxes and other non-supernatural explanations,” said “Miracle Hunter” Michael O’Neill, who extensively researches Catholic miracles.
“Tears are collected and tested to see if they are human (pig's fat has been found in some false cases) and statues may be x-rayed to rule out any internal mechanism used to fraudulently mimic the flow of tears,” O’Neill told CNA in e-mail comments.

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