Thursday 5 May 2016


I heard a story and would like to share it with you.A woman went to visit a medicine man with a complain of maltreatment from her husband,hoping to get some spiritual help from him in order to secure her husband's love and the marriage as well.But the medicine man perceived that the problem with the woman was her own tongue,meaning that she needed no spiritual help per se.And so he gave her an ordinary object and then  instructed her that each time the husband comes yelling and getting angry at her, that she should just put that object in her mouth.
The woman complied to this instruction and so for many weeks,the house experienced a lot of peace,because each time the man started his usual shouting,because of the object that was inside her mouth,she would be restrained from replying the man,after a while the man would also stop and there would
be quietness and peace everywhere.
Whenever you enter into any hot argument with someone and you could perceive that the argument may lead to a disastrous level,if you can apply wisdom and decide to keep quiet at that point,the likelihood that the other party would also stop sooner or later is very high.
The Husband was astonished to the point that he went and bought her a lot of gifts,just to appreciate the fact that she has changed from being a disrespectful woman to a person of excellent attitude. The woman also was surprised that her husband could go out of his ways to lavish such gifts on her.
Dear friend, can you see what self control has brought into that marriage.Controlling the temper from both sides suddenly created room for peace in that home.Many things that we yell and argue about are not really worth it, and from this story, it is quite clear that couples can forgo anything that may bring arguments and fighting into their midst.They can easily forgive each other, forget about some hurtful and hateful utterances that may have come from the other party and just move on.
The woman decided to visit the medicine man again to share the testimony of how her husband had suddenly changed.After she has narrated her story,the man then asked her of the object he gave to her earlier.At that point ,the man told her that the object is just an ordinary object and that it possesses no spiritual power at all.He told her that her problem is her tongue,the object was just given to her in order to tame her tongue whenever the husband starts yelling at her.He advised her that if only she would learn to control her tongue,learn to keep quiet, that that is the way her marriage will continue to experience peace and her husband's love for her will keep growing.What more lesson can we learn from this story? We can also see clearly that it is not every situation that we are faced with in life that may require spiritual solutions.Many times,the solutions lie in our attitude.Good morning.

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