Sunday 1 May 2016


Debt is a bad thing. Ask any debtor, they will tell you about the stress, pain, (and shame, at times) that debt imposes on debtors. Debt keeps a man on his toes. Debt is indeed a bad thing!
The GREATEST DEBT that any man can ever owe is the DEBT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS - the divine requirement to satisfy a thrice righteous God that is called 'Holy, Holy, Holy'. This is a crushing debt that every living man owes.
But RELAX - if you are a genuinely born-again Christian. God has Himself paid the debt IN FULL through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary. The debt has been paid - and YOU ARE NOW TOTALLY FREE.
In addition to your FREEDOM, God has added ABUNDANT BLESSINGS to your account! These blessings are also FREE! If you know God cannot lie, you can be sure that these facts are sacred and true - you are both FREE AND RICH! So, RELAX and CHILL OUT.
“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)

The ONLY THING is that you should be careful how you walk now. Please be careful so that your walk does not NEGATE all that God has given to you FREELY.
Please read the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18:21-35. In refusing to forgive his fellow-servant's debt, this forgiven servant lost the forgiveness he had been FREELY given! He was not careful in his walk.
The devil is still in the business of STEALING, KILLING, and DESTROYING (John 10:10) by deceiving believers to walk carelessly. Deception abounds everywhere in these Last Days. Please walk carefully. Please do not be deceived.
And keep your FOCUS on all the unfathomable blessings that God has FREELY made available to you - particularly in eternity. Your blessings are FULLY INSURED and FULLY SECURED in Christ Jesus. So, please walk carefully. He is FULLY there to help you as you follow Him faithfully in the narrow path that leads Home.
He is coming soon.
Thanks for reading, God bless.

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