Thursday 5 May 2016


Spiritual Chemistry is tapping into the greater anointing or grace of another person. In his book entitled 'Unlimited power of Faith' He makes reference to Luke 8.43-48. It is the testimony of a woman who had been suffering from issue of blood for 12 years. She was suffering from constant flow of menstruation for 12 years! She had spent all and had gotten to a point of frustration until she heard about Jesus. On a particular day, she pressed so hard to touch the clothe of Christ and as she did, a chemical-spiritual reaction took place and Christ felt it so much that He asked thus 'who touched me?' The question drew surprises from those who were very close to Him at the time. They wondered why Christ would say such a thing seeing that He was thronged by multitude. It was the faith of the woman that drew that virtue of healing from Christ. That is spiritual chemistry! What else can we learn from that incidence? It is quite clear that it is not everyone who comes to Christ that would eventually be healed or blessed. It is only those who demonstrate this kind of radical and total faith and then attempting to take a practical step forward that would eventually receive great blessings. Dear friend, you too can still tap grace from your mentor or spiritual fathers. You can touch them or touch whatever they touch and believe in your heart and surely a virtue must be released into your life. Even in the Old Testament, Elisha needed to wait for the mantle of his soon-to be-gone father in the Lord (2 kings 2.14). He asked God for a double portion of His anointing but he still needed to have a physical contact with the same mantle that his master had been using. Friend, we need to learn from the scriptures and from our fathers in the Lord if we must succeed in whatever endeavor we have embarked upon in this life. God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Lord,release greater grace into my life in Jesus name amen
