Monday 2 May 2016


I was in a particular church yesterday for the Sunday service, it was a great service from the beginning,the praise and worship,the prayer and the word,everything went well.I was really blessed.Then the time arrived for thanksgiving and anointing service.Usually, everyone is expected to dance from their seats a few distance and then towards the altar,drop their offerings and then get anointed by the Parish Pastor himself.I do not have anything against dancing in the church during thanksgiving or praise and worship section per se,after all,David danced in the private before the Lord and the person who even made mockery of him was severely punished (2 Samuel 6.14-23).
But i still have some reservations against it anyway.I know that the devil can still use some people, especially those who are not in the spirit and these can dance some worldly dances inside the church.I mean such dances that can suggest evil in the hearts of others.So while the dancing was going on during the thanksgiving,a particular man positioned himself,faced the direction in which those who were dancing towards the altar were following and his wild dancing was obstructing the flow,it actually made me cringe in a way.Even while the women were also coming,the man faced
them and started dancing with each of them,even the Pastor's wife was not spared as well.This really got me worried the more! But i saw on the faces of some of the women that they were uncomfortable to dance with the man.They actually avoided him! At that point,i sensed that the atmosphere had changed from a holy one to that which the devil was trying to spoil the flow for the day.
While i was getting somewhat worried,i asked myself quietly ''why is this man dancing so much in the flesh this way?'', Shortly after that, i saw the Pastor moved out of his position towards the man and challenged him to stop his wild dancing. I believe he told him that his behavior was interrupting the flow of the service.To my surprise,the man refused to listen to HIM.He became very obstinate.The Man of God almost pushed him out of the way.At that point,the Pastor became so infuriated that he could no longer control his temper and so he handed over the anointing oil to someone else to continue with the service.I felt so sad that the devil could succeed in making the pastor lose his temper that way and before the whole congregation of about 400 people.The word of God says that we are not ignorant of the devices of the devil and so even during church services or at any other times,Pastors and Believers  must be aware of this and thus guard themselves against anger and losing their tempers.Again, i would want everyone to know that inasmuch as it is appropriate to dance before the Lord in the open during church services or at any other times,yet it must be done orderly and decently,and if we see that the dancing is taking the people to go pass the mark of holiness and temperance,everyone must be called to order.

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