Sunday 1 May 2016


When men pray the real prayer of faith,the earth must shake!

Young Pastor E.A Adeboye interpreting message for the Founder of RCCG,Pa Josiah Akindayomi about 30 years ago

Few moths ago, i listened to a message delivered by the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God,Pastor E.A Adeboye.The message is entitled 'Living above the natural'. He mentions something in that message that really challenged me and spurred me into more dedication to prayers.He says that founder of the church,Pa Akindayomi of blessed memory(I believe that the man is in heaven now) and himself traveled to the United States of America about 25 years ago.
They stayed at Mayo Hotel Tulsa,Oklahoma .on a particular day, they were both praying in the room wherein they had  lodged,while they were praying,suddenly someone came and knocked the door, It was the Hotel engineer who came and asked them if they were using any instrument.They told him that they were only praying and that they were not having any instrument with them.The engineer told them that few minutes ago,the hotel was
vibrating seriously as if it would collapse, it was in the course of tracing the source of the strange sound which they suspected may have been responsible for the vibration of the building that led them to where the two men of God were praying.

Because of the mystery that surrounded the strange sound and the vibration of the building, the management decided to close down the hotel .Obviously the hotel officials did not believe that it was just the presence of God in that building that caused its vibration.Pastor Adeboye says in that message that after about 30 years, he visited the hotel again,and prayed to God and a year after that prayer,the hotel was re- opened.After i listened to the message, i did my research and found out that truly the hotel had been closed down for several years but has just been re-opened.Friend,the power of God is just the same today as it was 2000 years ago if only we can believe.Paul and Silas prayed and the earth shook.Read Acts 16:25-26' And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.
26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.

Friends,We also can dedicate our lives and time into this kind of prayers and we shall see heaven opens and chains broken off the necks of those in bondage of the Kingdom of Darkness.


  1. Lord give us the grace to pray such prayer that will make the earth shake.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A hotel of that caliber if it shook as Adeboye likes to make people believe, it would have been recorded.

    There is no record of the hotel being closed due to foundation problems.

    Read the article on it. it say's RENOVATION not structural problems.

    The 2 are different.

    Adeboye lied here.

    1. You don't expect a hotel of that magnitude to have only one building. The affected building could have been closed - not the entire hotel. It is blasphemy to call a man of God like Pastor Adeboye a liar.

  4. ITK, did Adeboye say there was a structural problem? In his testimony, he actually said the hotel didn't find any structural problems when they checked but closed the hotel cos they didn't know the cause of the shaking. Only a stupid fella will believe a multi-storey was closed down for 30 years due to renovation.

  5. The Just shall live by faith.

  6. Anybody that knows what G O D means will believe that anything can happen like in the days of the bible.

  7. The foolishness of God is always wiser than men.The brain of man doesn't have and can't have capacity to comprehend mysteries.the supernatural still happens.Jesus is Lord.

  8. May GOD give us the grace and power to pray such prayer that will remove every evil that is tormenting our country Nigeria such as terrorism,kidnapping,armed robbery,Internet fraud,fraudulent leaders and politician and other

  9. I would have thought that the presence of God will make a great positive difference not course a 30 years closure. Well God know best.
