Monday 2 May 2016


The Following is an excerpt from the interview granted to me on the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa, the founder of Church of God mission- Femi Obadun

Benson Andrew Idahosa affectionately called PAPA or BABA by his followers, was a Charismatic Pentecostal preacher, and founder of the Church of God Mission International with headquarters in Benin City,
The Pastor who granted me interview has been a member of the church for close to 25 years.He had personal encounters with the late Archbishop.He says 'The late archbishop, on several occasions always reminded us that light and darkness don’t have any common abode. As he was riding past a part of the city of Benin on a particular day, he noticed a certain forest standing in-between two populated areas and so inquired of the mystery behind it, for
to him, it was an unusual arrangement, a misnomer. He was later directed by the villagers to the local government council for further enquiries. At the council, they told him that the portion of the land that he saw was the burial place reserved for any leader of the occults who die.The occult organizations include the Ogboni confraternity, Amorc, freemason etc. He then requested that they give him the land to build his own house. He was freely given and so few weeks later, he leveled the graves and erected a structure which serves as the family house till date. During a visit to the Late Archibishop on a particular day by some people of which my narrator was also present, the meeting took place in his sitting room, he revealed to them that during the excavation for the construction of the building, 11 human skeletons were removed from the foundation. He then told them like a General to his soldiers in the battlefield, that ‘my children, you don’t run from the enemies, you take the battle to the enemies’ territory’. My narrator, who is as a true and ardent follower  of the late Archbishop, said to me, look, there is nothing the devil can do to us as children of God, that the devil is a destitute.

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