Tuesday 3 May 2016


John Wesley was an Anglican minister and theologian who, with his brother Charles and fellow cleric George Whitefield, is credited with the foundation of the evangelical movement known as Methodism
John Wesley was the founder of the Methodist Church.He was a fiery holiness preacher.He preached so much on Justification by faith and not by works of righteousness.This doctrine which was seen to be new ,attracted a lot of opposition from the orthodox of his day.He was persecuted severely.At a point, he found no place to preach and now resorted to using the outskirt of town, he used his father's grave for meetings,and.to the surprise of everyone,over 7,000 people still followed him to hear his gospel,When he was asked of the secret of his success,his reply to them is ''I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn''Friend, it is not about how beautiful our places of worship are.It is not about the outward proofs that we are religious people.It is all about whether we carry the fire inside or not.It is the fire of the Holy Ghost.With that fire burning in our bones,anywhere we find ourselves,the world must come to look for us.John the Baptist had a similar experience.He went to the wilderness of Judea, preaching repentance with fire in his bones,and a lot of people went to listen to Him.If we allow the holy Ghost to take control of our lives,surely revival will come,the people will be healed,massive baptism in the Holy Ghost will happen to our hearers and God shall be glorified.Glory Hallelujah amen.

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