Monday 9 May 2016


US Republican Presidential hopeful, Donald Trump is doing everything possible to earn the supports of the Americans.His recent outburst on both the former President Bill Clinton, who was accused and tried of having affairs with women,the thing which nearly cost him the office of the US President at the time and his Wife, Hillary Clinton who is currently running for the same office as being an enabler of Husband's infidelity,To me these are strong use of language.Anyway it is politics,so far they don't begin to carry chairs and tables in attacking themselves.I wish everyone best of luck.
Donald Trump looks on to supporters during a rally in Eugene, Oregon on May 6, 2016.
Read the short story after the cut:

Donald Trump seems to be doubling down on a strategy to win over women voters: attacking former President Bill Clinton. At a time when the GOP’s presumptive nominee is facing pressure to improve his standing with women, he is pointing to Bill Clinton and the way Hillary Clinton “destroyed” the lives of her husband’s supposed mistresses as a reason why people should vote for him.
"Nobody in this country was worse than Bill Clinton with women. He was a disaster. He was disaster," Trump said at a rally in Eugene, Oregon. "I mean there's never been anybody like this and she was a total enabler. She would go after these women and destroy their lives. I mean have you ever read what Hillary Clinton did to the women that Bill Clinton had affairs with? And they're going after me with women? Give me a break, folks. Give me a break."
“Just remember this: she was an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful.”
Trump’s words “marked the sharpest tone he's taken against the Democratic frontrunner since becoming his party's presumptive nominee, and the first time he's been so direct in referencing Bill Clinton's affairs in months,” notes NBC News.
Trump also tried to get ahead of attacks by the Democratic frontrunner, saying he knew the Democratic Party would use comments he has made about women and sex against him in attack ads. But voters should dismiss that line of attack because they have to remember he wasn’t a politician running for office. "Don't forget, I was never going to run for office," Trump said. Regardless of what he has said in the past, voters now need to know that "nobody respects women more than me."

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