Sunday 8 May 2016


Below are questions and answers about the woman,birth control pills and womb cancer with Professor Ernest Orji,Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State,Nigeria. I hope the women would find this very useful.

What are the different types of contraceptive pills?
There are different types: combined estrogen and progestin contraceptive pills. Combined pills are available in standard and low dose forms. For example, lo-feminal, combination -3. progestin – only pills (minipills POPs). Examples are exluton, microlut, ovrette; and emergency contraceptive pills having postinor as an example.
If a woman is not satisfied with the birth control pills she is taking, can she change immediately?
Yes, she can change immediately to any method she desires and which is good for her.
How long can she be on birth control pills?
The woman can be on birth control pills for as long as she desires to prevent pregnancy.
Does the woman need to use other forms of contraception with oral contraceptives?
This is a good question. A pill as a contraceptive is very effective. You do not need another contraception while using pills. However, pills can only prevent pregnancy. They do not protect against sexually transmitted
infections. If at risk of infections please you should use barrier methods such as condoms in addition.
Is it necessary that a woman takes a break from pills?
No. She must continue to use it until she wants to get pregnant or switch to another method. Taking a break while using pills will lead to contraceptive failure and unwanted pregnancy.
Can a woman have trouble getting pregnant after using the pills?
No. Fertility returns within a month of stopping the pills.
Do birth control pills cause any defects in pregnancy afterwards?
No. They do not.
What is your view on the claims that birth control pills cause cancer?
The birth control pills in low doses neither cause cancer nor increase the risk. Oral contraceptive pills offer some protection against cancers of the womb, ovary and benign breast disease.
If a woman forgets to take her pills and engages in sex, can she get pregnant?
She will get pregnant.  If the client forgets to take a pill or pills we normally assess as shown below: If you missed only one (white) hormonal pill, take the missed pill at once. Take the next pill at the regular time. This may mean taking two pills on the same day or even two at the same time. Take the rest of the pills as usual, one each day.
If you missed two or more (white) hormonal pills in any of the seven days, it is important for seven days to use condoms, spermicide or avoid sex. Take a (white) hormonal pill at once. Count how many (white) hormonal pills are left in the packet: if seven or more (white) hormonal pills are left, take all the rest of the pills each day. If fewer than seven (white) hormonal pills are left, take the rest of the (white) hormonal as usual. Do not take any brown pill. Throw them away. Start a new pack.
Where is the best place to get birth control pills?
The best place to get birth control pills is the family planning clinic. This is because a new user needs to be assessed for eligibility to use the pills. Though the pill is a good birth control method, it is not all women that will tolerate it. It may not be suitable for some women.  Therefore, it is better to seek the counsel of a family planning provider before choosing pills or any other method. Informed consent is the goal for all birth control methods. Though pills can be bought from any chemist or pharmacy shop, it is better to patronise the family planning provider for reasons stated above. Getting pills from a family planning provider ensures that if some concerns occur while using the pills, the client can visit her provider who knows her history for wise counsel.
Some women complain of vomiting after taking the pills, what is the cause of this?
It is not everybody who takes the pills that vomits. Some people vomit any tablet they take. It is usually a reflex for those who vomit it and this stops in subsequent doses.
Can a woman use oral contraceptives to change the date of her menstrual flow?
Usually oral contraceptives are used for contraception. However, there are other non – contraceptive benefits of combined oral contraceptives. One of them is to regularise menstrual cycles in women with irregular cycles or those with oligomenorrhea. In that sense, it can be used to manipulate timing and frequency of menses.
Why do some women have irregular bleeding while on the pills?
It is not all who use pills that have irregular bleeding. Those who often experience irregular bleeding after taking the pills may be due to several reasons which include infections, pregnancy, miscarriage, fibroids, genital pathology, and improper use of pills among others. It is important for pill users to consult their service provider to assess the situation and identify the cause and give appropriate remedy. This is why it is important that those who want to use pills should visit family planning providers instead of just buying it over the counter.
If a woman takes her pills every day can she still get pregnant?
It is still possible but it is not common. It is advised that pills are used about the same time every day continuously. Failure to abide by the instructions on how to the pills is often the cause of unwanted pregnancy.
Does taking the contraceptive pills during pregnancy hurt an unborn baby?
Usually, the hormones do not hurt the baby if a woman continues to take few doses not knowing that she is pregnant. It is usually in low doses and that is not sufficient reasons to abort the pregnancy. I advise that they should consult a gynaecologist if in doubt.
Who should not use hormonal methods of birth control?
Not everybody can use pills. This is the same with all drugs. Some people for instance react to fansidar while others do not. It is the same with hormonal methods of birth control.  There is what we call eligibility criteria for use of hormonal methods of birth control. They include women who are pregnant; have history of raised blood pressure (systolic above 140 mmHg and diastolic above 90mmHg); have cerebro-vascular disease (stroke); have coronary artery disease (heart attack); have pre-existing tumors of the breast or genital organs and have thrombophlebitis (constant and severe pains at the back of the legs). Others are women who are above 35 years and smoke heavily; are breast feeding (less than six weeks post-partum); have liver disease (jaundice or yellow eyes); have migraines with focal neurologic symptoms; and suffering from undiagnosed abnormal uterine bleeding.
For those who are mentioned above and those unqualified to use hormonal methods of birth control, it has side effects. But for those who are qualified, it is safe for them.
How much weight can a woman gain using the pills?
There is no prescribed amount of weight gain to expect while on contraceptive pills. The principle is to avoid excessive weight gain. While some people lose weight when using contraceptive pills others gain weight while some do not notice weight gain.

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